All Chapters Available Now, Read & Listen!
All 12 chapters of "The Ghetto VC" are now available here on Substack...
Dear Readers & Supporters,
I’m happy to share that all 12 chapters of The Ghetto VC are now available right here on Substack! I've chosen this platform to offer a dynamic experience, including audio podcasts & community engagement. Stay tuned for audio readings accompanying each chapter in the coming weeks. Plus, get ready to join me for weekly live-streamed book readings & book club meetings. A huge THANK YOU to all of my subscribers who’ve given me the courage to continue — your pre-orders & paid subscriptions help me work towards publishing a hard copy later this year. Through this publication, my goal is to educate 10,000 new investors. So, what are you waiting for?…
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About The Publication
The Ghetto VC is a step-by-step guide on building an abundance mindset, and investing like a venture capitalist. Author, Garry Johnson III, is an award-winning entrepreneur, adjunct professor, angel investor, and startup advisor. He supports a global community of underrepresented founders through his nonprofit, and is building pathways to wealth for all through his company, Bison Venture Partners. To date, Garry has mentored hundreds of entrepreneurs, raised capital from 100+ investors, and built an investment portfolio of more than a dozen private companies. Through The Ghetto VC, Garry outlines his thought process & investment strategy, while sharing accessible resources to help everyday people build wealth for themselves.
Chapter List (Frequently Updated)
Introduction: The Enlightenment
I hope you enjoy…
Garry Johnson III
The Ghetto VC