For Free? How to Get My Book
Please leave a review to help me make The Ghetto VC a bestseller...
Dear Community,
I could use your help amplifying my new book to a larger audience.
Here are 2 quick things you can do to help, and I’ve got a couple of gifts for you in exchange…
Get the eBook on Gumroad and leave a 5 star review. The eBook is available for free, or you can pay whatever you’d like to support my work.
Head over to Amazon to leave a 5 star review and testimonial. You do not need to purchase the book to leave a review. If you’d like to purchase the book, it’s more helpful for me if you order it outside of Amazon.
That’s it! Just respond to this post letting me know you’ve shared your reviews on both Gumroad and Amazon, and you’ll be sent a code to get a free autographed paperback of The Ghetto VC.
With your help, I hope to make The Ghetto VC a bestseller.
I’m looking forward to sending your copy!
Keep shining,